Wednesday, February 22, 2006


No One But Madison follows a strong-willed woman's journey into the world of BDSM. What she discovers, what most in the life already know, is that sometimes you have to lose your freedom to be truly
free; sometimes you have to lose your heart to find true love; and sometimes you have to lose yourself to discover the lure of sweet submission.

Let's chat, share stories, and help others understand. Want to test the waters, get advice? Then join us.

I'll hold contests and would love tips on prizes. Also, I'll post excerpts from my books and yummy pics! Share some of your own tales, trials, and triumphs. And of course pics. But remember...this is not a porn site. This is a home for those who know what Madison will discover before they read the first page. They've been there, were lured themselves, and never looked back!


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